Corporate Video Newsletters

It’s time to ditch the old newsletters and get a little more creative. It’s time to engage your employees and give them even more reason to love working at your organization. It’s time to start creating corporate video newsletters. It take a little more time and effort, but that would translate into so much good will, you’ll probably start to notice a little difference.


Creating a video where managers are speaking takes time. Your employees know you’re busy and that taking time for anything is a big deal. So when they see a corporate video newsletters instead of a text version that you're assistant or copywriter probably wrote, they’ll really appreciate the effort. They’ll feel more valued that you actually took the time to shoot the video.

➯ Tips:

  • Video newsletters should be sincere. You want your employees to feel connected to the leadership at your company.

  • Express your gratitude while you share company updates. That’s what employees want and need to hear.

  • Don’t include any confidential information. These video newsletters can be shared on social channels.

  • It’s still video so keep it short. 5 minutes is a good length.

  • Include additional news in the description.

  • Brand it to fit other internal communication with a custom theme background image

So before you start your next newsletter, consider doing a video instead.